A Spirit Alive

About The Emblem

The Spirit Alive program is designed to assist the young woman in discovering how the Holy Spirit moves with her life, calling her to greater participation in ministry of the Church.

Each chapter has three sections: research, dialogue and activites. Exercises in the research section can be done alone or shared in a group. The requirements in the dialogue section are carried out with the help of a counsellor/advisor. The activities are designed to help the young woman apply what she has learned for her own personal growth. A journal, Bible anda copy of the documents of Vatican II are necessary. A counsellor guide is also available.


Registered Senior Scout of Catholic Faith. The Scout must be between 15-17 years old. The Spirit Alive program is the official recognition program of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States for the the Senior age level of the Girl Scouts and for Horizon Club members of Camp Fire, Inc. The Spirit Alive is designed to be administered and supervised by the diocesan or parish youth director, diocesan chaplain or other authorized administrator as determined by the DCCS


Each Senior scout have her own Activity Book. This book can be purchased at your local Girl Scout Shop or by contacting the Catholic Committee on Scouting (email).

Religious Activity Books

You can pick up Religious Activity Books at the Girl Scout Office or order them directly from the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministries (click here).

Program Completion

Upon completion of the program the application form is signed by the applicant, the adult counselor and by the priest moderator for the group. The parent/guardian will need to send the application at the back of the book along with the application fee to the diocesan chaplain for final approval.

Click here for a printable application in either Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat.